Thursday, 29 September 2016

English Spotlight - Herons

Year 2 Herons have thoroughly enjoyed looking at Heroes and Villains in our Fairytales. We worked hard creating good and bad characters and also using lots of adjectives to describe our settings. Next, we are going to use lots of time connectives to sequences are fantastic stories together.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Maths Spotlight - Storks

We have been learning about place value. Here we can see Fatima and Sara using the base ten equipment to make numbers in the hundreds. Wow! Well done girls; these are very big numbers.

ICT Spotlight - Spoonbills

In ICT we are working towards creating our own Superhero game. First of all we have been learning about algorithms. 

Last week we gave each other a set of instructions (an algorithm) to get from one place to another avoiding obstacles.

This week we made algorithms in order to get out beebots to navigate an obstacle course. Take a look!


Topic Spotlight - Flamingos

In topic this week we have been looking at real life heroes. Our task was to order heroes from most to least important this caused a lot of discussion as we all had different ideas and justifications who we thought were more important. After we decided we then stood up in front of the class and shared our choices and explained why.


Reading Spotlight - Sandpipers

Today one of our reading groups enjoyed reading “What Do You Want To Be?”. We had a great discussion about the story!

“After reading this book I decided I would like to be a policeman” Said Itqan

Winston said that “Astronaut was the most difficult word in the book”

Rowan decided he “would like to become an Olympic swimmer” when he finished reading.

Thomas learned that “ Astronauts do lots of different tasks on a spaceship”.

Archie also really enjoyed the book and said that he “liked that the book thought him about different jobs”.

Welcome one and all!

Welcome to the Year 2 Blog. We are so excited to be sharing some of the wonderful things Year 2  are getting up to! Keep checking regularly for updates. Please feel free to share this with friends and relatives abroad as we enjoy seeing that we have international visitors too and following them on our interactive map.