Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Maths Spotlight - Spoonbills

Spoonbills have been looking at addition and subtraction this week. We have done a wide variety of activities on addition and today started on subtraction. Some groups were working on subtraction using the numbers 1-10, others were using numbers from 1-20 and one group were being challenged to use the -9 rule ( - 10 then + 1). What we have all learnt is we really need to practise our number bonds so that we can do them without having to use our fingers or counters. However, until you do know them off by heart using counters and cubes was a great strategy!

Here is a game we enjoyed playing that you might like to try at home. We used it for number bonds and you can too to help the children practise! There are other games too, enjoy!   

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